
Saturday, April 5, 2014

April Garden Update

I have been busy busy busy in the garden, hence there haven't been many blogs the last month. The pile of dead grass is gone and the space leveled. The freesias and plum tree are done blooming for the year, but there are so many beautiful and exciting things happening in the rest of the yard I don't mind too much. Since it is almost bed time here, I am just going to get right to the photos. 

Jerusalem Sage

Seeded Red Table Grapes
Thompson Seedless Grapes

Artichoke playing peek-a-boo!


Tuscan Kale

One of the six tomato plants

Lettuce going to seed.


Pomegranate flower

The one remaining green bean plant out of 9!!! Planted 8 more today, fingers crossed.

Native Plants

The new plants haven't died yet! And looking back at the photos in February when I planted them, the Goldenrod and Aster are growing well.
Zauschneria cana - "Hollywood Flame" California Fuchsia

Solidago californica- Goldenrod

Corethrogyne filaginifolia Silver carpet - California aster

Galvezia speciosa - Island snapdragon

Fallugia paradoxa - Apache plume - starting to open up
Fallugia paradoxa - Apache plume - starting to open up

Fallugia paradoxa - Apache plume - here come the petals and pollen - the plumes will follow in a few months

Ceanothus - California lilac - pollen for the bees and berries for the birds

Salvia Bees Bliss

Coming soon
more vegetables once I cover the bottom with something to prevent roots from the neighbors tree from creeping in

An above ground pool is going where the pile of dead grass was.
And in this corner...
well you'll just have to come back to find out.