
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Best picture I have taken in awhile

I have been participating in FMS Photo a Day for over a year year now. Chantelle gives us a list of prompts at the beginning of the month and everyone takes a picture a day and shares it on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr or her site.

I started doing it because I knew my food photos were lacking, and a Food Blogger must have a PINable images these days.

Practicing every day and knowing that my photo is viewed by everyone from hack amateurs to professionals has helped. Plus, in every month (except this October), Chantelle includes one prompt that is a photography lesson.

I think my photos are getting better, but since my camera died and I am working solely from my Samsung Galaxy, I battle with lighting inside my kitchen.

Outdoors is a bit easier. And this is the one I submitted yesterday for the prompt "best".

Fallugia paradoxa (Apache plume) is one of the BEST growing plants in my yard.

If you want to join the group and have some photography fun, check out the prompts for next month.

October Photo A Day | #fmsphotoaday 

I am already racking my brain to come up with something fun for a few of those. I don't think I will restrict myself to food photos only this month. Maybe November.