
Saturday, September 6, 2014

September Garden Update

I have been sneaking out early in the morning to get a little work done in the garden because it is still hot here by 10 a.m. And with Hurricane Norbert heading north it is going to be pretty humid for the next few days. Fingers crossed that it will bring us some desperately needed rain.

The edible garden is almost gone and the container portion will be getting a revamp soon. Check back in a few days for the new containers that are so exciting!

I stopped wasting precious water on these plants about a month ago.
Very little production from them :(

Basil on the front porch, going strong.

Garlic chives are going to seed - so pretty!

The grapes went crazy! And I have a fun project planned for the vines ones the leaves die back in a month or so.

Pomegranate didn't produce any fruit again this year. Need to do some research.

Last of the tomatoes. These will be turned into Tomato Preserves on Monday

As disappointing as the edible garden is, hope springs eternal for the gardener. And this time of year is more "spring like" for most California native plants. Summer is a period of dormancy and as the temperatures cool the plants start a new stage of growth.

The Hollywood Flame Hummingbird Fuchsias I planted in February are blooming away.

So is the goldenrod.

The Ceonothus (California lilacs) that I hacked back mid summer are showing new growth.

Ditto for the Salvia (sage)
Some of the Fallugia Paradoxa (Apache Plumes) are blooming...

while others are "pluming".
The Chitalpa is blooming beautifully.

I just wish the Chitalpa would have new limb growth on top of the tree instead of at the bottom!

The Rhamnus californica (coffeeberry) is just starting to bloom.

And the Toyon has some green berries that will turn red by holiday time.

Hope you enjoyed your little tour of my happy place. Once the sun sets I will be sitting out here by the pond.