
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Sometimes I forget what is really important.

Earlier today I logged on to Facebook to post something about the world not operating on my time table:

  • J was up about 4:30 am for the 4th morning in a row
  • my computer was running slow
  • I needed an answer from tech support and it took a few hours in coming
  • etc. etc.
But I was immediately greeted by this post from one of my dearest friends since Junior High:

I am thankful for having the honor of being a mom to one of God's most amazing creations - for 16 years, 4 days, 3 hours, and 59 minutes to be exact. How I wish I could have more!
As the tears streamed down my face, it instantly put my petty nonsense in perspective.

Her daughter went on ahead of us to be with God two years ago after battling Ewing's Sarcoma: Bone Cancer.

Cancer sucks! All cancers suck! In case you didn't know.

But I bet you did know that. I bet you know either someone that has it or has a loved one that has.

And since this is the season to be thankful and giving, may I suggest you join me in a donation to Stand Up To Cancer this Giving Tuesday?